Our story
Meaningful, passionate, reflective and progressive is our narrative.
A long time ago, while playing in the fields and farms, reading Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, having explorations and adventures is where it all began 35 years ago. The free child saw a path, not knowing how it's going to be intrigued him.
With a Master's Degree in HR, diplomas in mountaineering and outdoors, pursuits in behavioural sciences, psychology and decades of corporate and outdoors coaching experiences, Tarsh founded TrueNature Learning and Development. Here, he shares his experiential transformations.

Experiential Learning is the platform for our training interventions and programs.
Learning & Discovery in the out-of-comfort zone coupled with fun remains for a lot longer causing a relatively permanent change in behavior. The choice of the out-of-comfort zone is based on the depth of growth one seeks.
TrueNature-exclusive activities include Night Solo, Vision Quest, Wilderness Reflections and Simulations. Behavioral sciences that help with reflections include Human Process Work, Transactional Analysis along with psychometric tests. Sunrise Meditations are offered.
We conduct programs on personal growth, leadership, team effectiveness and organizational development.

Key features
•Learning by doing
•Business relevant simulations
•Positive facilitation
•Effective impacts
•Out of your comfort zone
•Balance of fun and learning
•Structured process
TrueNature offers open programs for individuals and customized programs for organizations and schools. Programs are conducted on the Experiential Learning Platform. Our experts are qualified in Management Consulting, OD, Behavioural Psychology, Wilderness Leadership and Outdoors Safety. All our programs are conducted under stringent safety and risk management procedures.


What I learnt, during the
activities and later reflecting on
how we did, helped me gain
perspective on my professional
life, as well as my personal life.
Thanks to our awesome
facilitators, Zeb and
– Aprajitha N, Aditya Birla
Each topic was like a piece in a jigsaw and complemented the other topics to make the session whole. The interesting thing is that the activities are deceptively simple, but are packed with useful insights about oneself. I liked the informal and approachable nature of the session and I would keep it that way.
Very informative and eye-opening programs, encouraging to think outside the box and reflect on our behavior and skills to develop.
- Ewa Chojecka
Nice team, always very kind. I learned a lot with them. I wish to come again soon.
– Margo Arpin
I liked the all of them. There was fun and a lot of reflection. I loved that it was advised to be made so personal instead of thinking for the group today.
- Aishwarya Ashoka
From this session I was able to learn about the values with respect to the teamwork in group games as well as the growth process. It also made me aware of my thought process.
Brilliant session, Highlight for me was how my learning style has changed in the last 4-6 months.
- Vidhyashri S Rao